
Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Winds of Change

October here typically brings winds of change.  As the weather moves from summer to winter, we frequently have lots of wind, blowing the leaves around - along with any unsecured items in the yard.

This morning, after the federal election, we are being battered by gusting winds.  It is also garbage collection/recycle pick up day, and blue bins are being upturned, contents scattered and bins skating down the street.

This is a turbulent time.  Along with the regular cycle of seasons, there are world and personal changes.  I am well aware that my personal changes are of no import to anyone but myself (and Doug) but it feels very insecure right now. 

With the election there is much uncertainty and people are fearful for their jobs, their own security in the world.  Of course there are people in other countries who have it much worse than us, here in Canada (for the most part).  But human beings are most concerned for themselves before they can be sympathetic towards others.

The future is never certain.  Every one of us can have our lives upended at any moment in time.  But somehow we manage to keep going.  One foot in front of the other.  Dealing with what must be done.  Keeping a roof over our heads - if we can.  Food on the table - if we can.

For me, the big shift is from professional to retired.  Adapting to changes in income.  Adapting to changes in what I want to accomplish.  Being more aware of endings.  But always, always, digging to find those silver linings in the clouds. 

Even as the world (the northern hemisphere, at any rate) prepares to hibernate for the winter, I look for the positive.  I try to find the hope for the future.

For the next four weeks I will focus on the three craft fairs I am scheduled to sell my work at and take the opportunity to say goodbye to other craftspeople who I see once a year but who inspire me.  Some have on line presence, so I will follow their exploits there, cheer them on in what they hope to accomplish.  Enjoy their successes, encourage when things don't turn out as they hope - if that happens.

Today I need to focus on fringe twisting.  Not a job I relish at the best of times.  But needs must.  So I will.

Currently reading The Body in the Castle Well by Martin Walker

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