
Saturday, December 7, 2019

Tip Jar

Apparently the link does not work and I can't figure out how to make it work.  However, my Paypal account is associated with my email: should anyone want to add to it.

I have removed the links and edited the post accordingly.  Thank you to those who have contributed.  Cutting off a big chunk of my income has been a bit scary...

So, after much thought I am going to suggest that if someone should feel inclined to support me in my retirement, they can send tips to me via Paypal:

I have tried the Google ads on this blog, but frankly I'm getting annoyed with Google generally and as suspected, it really hasn't been worth having them on the blog given how annoying some of the ads are.

I have looked at opening a Patreon account, but the whole point of 'retirement' is to reduce deadlines and I don't want to feel like I must create content for subscribers.   Plus I hate hiding what I am doing behind a paywall.  So to speak.

I thought about putting a donation button on my blog, but that is only for non-profits.

So instead I am going to do this - for a while.  If anyone feels like they want to contribute to me, it would be greatly appreciated.

Shutting down the studio, getting rid of stuff at pennies on the dollar, means my income has  been significantly affected.  Now, I freely admit, I'm Canadian and health insurance is not going to be one of my issues.  But I do live in the 'north' and heating bills are going through the roof as temperatures plunge.  Not to mention all the other bills that are going to continue - lights, utilities, etc.  And I am considering traveling to Knoxville to hang around Convergence and visit with friends.  A little money to set aside for travel would be very welcome, indeed.

So - no pressure.  Just if anyone feels so inclined.  Rest assured that I will continue to blog, to share my journey, regardless - for as long as I am able.


  1. I have a free ad blocker and don't see any ads on your blog (or YouTube either). Occasionally I'll click on something which says "Oh, I see you're using an ad blocker, please disable) and if I really want to look at that page, I can switch it off for that page or that site.

  2. Well, I could block ads on my own blog so I don't get to see them, but that hardly seems fair to the rest of the population. And if everyone is going to block the ads anyway, hardly worth it to have them on my blog? So now there aren't any for anyone, and IF anyone should feel that they would like to show their appreciation, there is this blog post and the links in my topics list, both the actual link to paypal, and a link to this post, for reference.

    Personally I can't afford to subscribe to a bunch of Patreon accounts, much as I would love to support a whole bunch of folk. So what I do is from time to time I will go to their site and donate a set sum (if that's an option). It doesn't break my bank and gives the creative person a little 'extra' income. With winter coming on, expenses will be going up (yes, expenses will be going down as I downsize, but income is also being severely impacted with the closure of my business)

  3. Hmmmm. I tried to click on the Tip Jar link and it takes me to Paypal, but not to you. What is your Paypal email address, please?

  4. Hmm - I thought I had set it up for works

  5. OK - I just looked at the link again and it is working for me. However the email I gave works, too...
