
Saturday, December 7, 2019


Four decades of cultivating a particular mindset means there is a fairly lengthy re-thinking involved as I transition to...whatever comes next.

A new tool requires new processes.  New processes mean that things go more slowly, more carefully, more methodically, as new neurons are created, new pathways burned into the old way of doing things.

There were many things to love about the AVL and I miss my old processes, I do.  But that time is done now and it is time for new ways of working.  While the Megado is a loom, it has it's own, personality, shall we say?

In the end I opted to keep my AVL tension box, for a number of reasons but I don't think marrying that old piece of kit into the new is detrimental.  I kept it for several reasons and I think it was a good decision.

This is warp number four on the loom.  I'm very far behind where I wanted/expected to be.  This year turned out to be way more stressful than anticipated with the message being driven home loud and clear - time to shut down the business of the studio and accept the new reality.

But after 40+ years of focusing on efficiency and speed and production?  It's been a real challenge to accept that things must go more slowly, more thoughtfully.  That output is not the priority anymore.

Once again I am trading speed for longevity.

My task list gets snow globed, pretty much daily at this point.  OTOH, I am nearly ready to post the list of AVL parts I am hoping to sell.  Tea towels have been selling (thank you, all).  The next set of shelves (the last set, although there may be one more to be squeezed into the studio - time will tell as stuff gets sold/shifted) should be installed Sunday/Monday.  I have decided to sort through the boxes of yarn left and there may be a significant amount that will be donated to the guild.  Or not.  It will depend on how cramped I feel once the yarn has been moved here and unpacked.

I will be placing a small fill in order of 2/8 and 4/8 cotton to Brassard.  The 4/8 is for the beginning weaving classes in Feb.  Still four spots in the second class Feb 15/16 should anyone be interested.

Hopefully I will hear soon about the Olds classes I have said I would be interested in teaching in 2020.  Class prep needs to be done and Jan/Feb are looking very busy.  (Retirement?  Howzat workin' for ya?)   Boxes of homework should begin arriving in the new year, I have company for the last two weeks of January, possibly two other lots as well, possibly another in early Feb.

My mother always said she didn't know how she found time to work, she was so busy after retirement.  I rather suspect that retirement for me will be much the same.  Retirement for me means stopping the things in my life that no longer bring me joy so that I can have more time for the things that do.

And I now have five (count 'em - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!) library books waiting to be picked up.  Feast or famine...


  1. Many of your recent posts have been about retirement, yet apparently, you have not tagged them with a 'retirement' label, so they don't show up in the list of posts about retirement. (Only this one is included under 'retirement.') Is there any reason for not including them?

  2. Just didn't think about it until recently.
