
Sunday, February 23, 2020

Done and Dusted!

Well, we wrapped up the second Intro to Weaving class this afternoon.  As usual, I forgot to take any photos, so you'll have to take my word for it.  :)

We had 6 people last week, had an oopsie with the 6th loom so that person was invited to return this weekend to make it 5 (one person had to cancel). 

This weekend we had one person from out of town, the rest were all local, three of them guild members already, the fifth is local but had not been a member of the guild previously.  She signed up by the end of the day.  :)

They stopped weaving by 3:15 or so, did their hemstitching, cut their samples off and then we started the final lecture on wet finishing.  We finished at 4:29 - not because I didn't have more to say, but because we were all tired and it was good to go home in the daylight, which is now lingering until around 5:30.

As usual, several people cleaned up our mess and helped me carry my bins out to the van and we were gone by 5.

Doug is tearing Puff apart with his helper and they are determined to complete the job and move out tonight.  They ate when it was convenient for them, and I had left overs when I finally pulled myself together.

Overall, I have to say my pain levels are responding positively to the treatment - I get the next one on Tuesday.  I'm still fighting feeling tired all the time, and I ache when I stand for 'too long', but I feel hopeful that I will be able to deal with the 5 day Olds classes ok.  I may not hang out in the weaving studio or class room for very long in the evenings but leave them to it.

Speaking of which, now that I'm done with these workshops, I will be digging into the level four manual and beginning my lesson plan, then reviewing level two.  I have to be ready to mail the class materials as soon as I get the go ahead, which should be March 27, and level two go ahead which should be April 4.  I expect to send two boxes so that I can get four into the mail as soon as possible.

It looks good for level four to go ahead, level two, we don't know yet. 

The Gaelic College has a fully loaded weaving studio - you don't have to bring a loom or reeds, etc.  You might want to bring a favourite shuttle, a notebook, art supplies (pencil crayons, water colours) and so on.  The housing is basic but comfortable for all that, and the cafeteria accommodates my allergy diet.  If you have never been before, bring layers, warm woolies, and wet weather gear - the wind barely pauses to take breath and it can rain at any time.  But we will be snug in the weaving studio and that is just a short walk from the classroom - enough time outside to take a breath and clear heads.

Register at the college - you can do it on line or phone.  Sign up for housing/food with the Gaelic College.

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