
Monday, February 24, 2020

Up and Running

In between preparing for classes, trying to weave or at least do something productive in the studio each day, running back and forth trying to get the new cpu on's been a week.

However, here she is!  Thank you to those folk who helped by contributing my my ko-fi account.

I bought my first computer in, um, 1988?  I took the system requirements for Fiberworks in to the computer store, handed the sheet of paper to the sales person and said "Sell me a system that will run this software program."

I think they thought they'd died and gone to heaven (there were two on duty and I was the only customer.)

Since then I have looked at other programs but because I learned Fiberworks first, pretty much know how to make it do most of what I want it to do, one way or another, I've stuck with it.  Also, excellent customer service, Canadian product, I see no reason to switch.  Other programs are equal to and may have different features, try the free demo versions and decide which is best for you - if you choose to use weaving software.  Not everyone wants - or needs - to do that.

The political climate is very negative right now.  I am a left leaning liberal (small 'l' because I do not belong to the Liberal party) and my religion taught me to be kind - do unto others, and all that.

I do not understand the current trend to 'othering' folk.  I worry about the climate, the way some people want to deny services based on their perceived 'worthiness'.

I find it difficult first of all to ask for help, then, when it comes, I am humbled by the good will of people.

My ko-fi account was started because some people had specifically asked if I was going to be ok in my retirement (it will be challenging), some wanted to express their thanks in a more concrete way for the help/assistance I give freely on line, some wanted to help but didn't know how or couldn't afford much.

I heard about ko-fi on Twitter, looked at their site over several days and decided that it seemed like a good thing that would meet the needs of people who wanted to give and those that didn't could easily ignore.

Patreon was also looked at but I had heard that they had been changing their terms of service, plus I didn't want the obligation to provide material exclusively for Patreon supporters.  I'm supposed to be 'retired', not setting myself up with a new set of deadlines/obligations.

So I started the ko-fi account.  And then my cpu started to die.  So I asked for help with the desktop computer on which I do the majority of my teaching on line.  And people helped.

I am so grateful, saying thank you seems completely inadequate.

Now I am learning how Win 10 is different and figuring out where my files have gone, how to move files between programs, etc.  It's another learning curve, but it is early enough that I will have time to do that before I need to begin lesson prep for Cape Breton the end of March when I get word if the level four class will go ahead (it most likely will) and level two.

The manuals for the classes were updated last year so all I need for level two is to review the manual - except it looks like I might have lost the file that was sent due to the computer transfer.  All my previous emails were wiped out!  Well, that's one way of cleaning out your inbox!!!

OTOH, I have email stored on my ipad, so before I panic about that I will scroll through and forward the file to me to pick up on the desktop, then print out the homework pages so I can see if those parameters have changed, and if so, print out the entire manual to make sure I'm prepared for the class - in hopes that it will run.  Still looking for a few more folk to ensure that it runs.

I know I said I wanted to retire, but that was just from producing to sell my textiles, not the teaching!

So - THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU   I am back up and running again.


  1. Hi Laura - re: Win 10 - I've recently made that change at my place of employment. Not sure if this will be helpful, but when I asked about where my files were, our IT man mentioned that Win 10 tries to push people initially towards using the "Quick Access" section in File Explorer. Said that you can close that area, and just scroll down to "This PC" and you'll see your files in place.
    In addition, Win 10 seems to be set up to be more highly customizable than previous versions, so if you liked it a "certain way", there may be a good chance that you can customize it to do what you want. I was able to close out one of the notifications areas that my 91 year old dad was getting and didn't like. Best wishes as you learn the new software!

  2. Thanks. It was a bit overwhelming and some of my programs are not compatible with Win 10, so I had to get over losing them. No time to try and find alternatives so I am making do for now. Changes!
