
Tuesday, February 25, 2020

One by One

Now that the two local Intro to Weaving workshops are over, it is time to work on The Next Thing.

That is the level four (and two) Olds classes in Cape Breton the end of April, beginning of May.  I got the manuals a few weeks ago, but for me retirement means focusing on one thing at a time, not trying to juggle six.  So I concentrated on the local workshops and now that they are out of the way, it is time to look at the level four manual and work out a lesson plan.

Doug is nearly moved out of the annex, so shutting down my business is nearly complete.  I still have to go deal with the insurance for the studio.  Not having a separate space, not driving long distances to do shows, I can adjust how much insurance I actually need now.  Which means that sometime before my appointment next week I also need to do an estimated inventory.

With every inch of available wall space converted to shelving, I can more easily set out my yarn so that what I have can be seen, not dumped in boxes where it remains anonymous until I dig it out.  There is something rather pleasing about the yarn neatly lined up, tempting me to work with it.  :)

This week will be 'light' duties for a few days as I go in for my next pain treatment this morning.  A good time to look at the manual, take a note pad to the studio and crunch numbers. 

Yesterday I wove the first tea towel on the current warp.  Since it is being woven 'up-side-down' it is hard to see how it looks.  I'm using warp and weft yarns of very similar hue and value, so until I can get it off the loom I won't really know how successful I have been.  However, the yarn needs using up, they are tea towels and will dry dishes regardless. 

I am also weaving a small sample for another weaver on a borrowed loom.  That won't take long - I just need to do it.  Hopefully Thursday evening at guild drop in.  I have no room here currently to work on it so left it at the guild room.

There are also things simmering in the back of my mind - I'm seriously thinking of plying some of Ingrid's extremely fine silk so that I can see it to weave with it.  Plying will take forever - because THIN!  But I'm retired.  I can do things that take all sorts of time.  :)

Yesterday we had a lovely sunny day - today is overcast.  The sky is white, the ground is (mostly) white.  It's a very bland sort of day, but beautiful in its way.  And February is almost over, spring isn't far away.  The seasons cycle through and onwards we go...

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