
Sunday, February 2, 2020


Now that company has gone and I'm back to thinking about what I want to be weaving, and because the current warp is well underway, it is time to start thinking about the next warp.

There are two boxes of pirns filled with two shades of beige so it seems time to do another beige warp.  This time, instead of skewing to peach, I will add some pale yellow to the blend.  Since I hadn't put away the tubes from the last beige warp, I began by pulling some of the tubes out of the previous warp to see how many I had and what I might add to the rest of the pile I pulled yesterday (not shown).

My last beige warp had mostly that coppery brown linen as weft, but this time the weft is also beige so I'm looking to have a more subtle effect happening.  The other yarns that will be used range from a very pale beige through several shades plus a little yellow, then fill in from the pile on the floor until I get a total of 32 tubes (my epi).

There is still some linen left but I need to empty these pirns.  I have actually done a pretty good job of getting the yarn on the pirns woven - there are now two  boxes filled with the empty pirns.  I was hoping that if I teach at the Sunshine Coast I could drive and deliver the pirns to the buyer of the pirn winder.  Still no word on that and with their new policies I may not hear until the cut off date which is just one month prior to class starting.  So, just in case, I'd like to empty as many pirns as I possibly can.  Which will also free up a shelf in the storage room.

Once I've decided on which yarns I'm going to use I'll start thumbing through Ars Textrina (Max Ziegler's pattern book, translated by Pat Hilts) which I use for inspiration.  Many of the drafts are written for 12 shafts with a 'key' to change them to 16.  I tend to look at the 12 shaft drafts, then fiddle with them to create a draft that is similar but easier (for me) to thread.  I can expand the drafts included or re-arrange them, or manipulate them to make borders, etc.  By starting with something that already exists, I can fast track getting a design that I want to use.

We stand on the shoulders of giants...

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