
Monday, February 3, 2020


Today we have had a lovely sunny day.  The photo was taken before 10 am and you can tell from the long shadows just how low in the sky the sun is, this time of year.

There is more winter weather in the forecast, but we got this lovely gift of a blue sky and brilliant sunshine to lift spirits.

About this time of year, some people start feeling trapped or depressed.  We had a rather long spell of brutally cold weather (for us) following a pretty large dump of snow.  For a while we were like lab rats in a maze, carefully poking noses out into the street to check for on coming traffic before venturing further.

On the days where the sky is socked in with ice fog or just very low hanging clouds, or even more snow/sleet, just getting out of the house becomes difficult.  Fortunately I haven't much going on right now and I took a bunch of 'snow' days and just stayed in.

Tomorrow I go for my next pain treatment.  I think things are improving - the pain levels are certainly less, and that is a blessing!  But I still do have pain.  It's just moving around.  My 'usual' body parts seem to be healing, but now other bits that I hadn't realized were so compromised are waving their hands, 'do me next!'.  Or something like.

I still have little energy and this morning I dropped off a knitting machine to someone who offered to buy it for a small donation to the guild, then met a friend where we had a very long coffee visit and talked each other's ear off.  It was 1:30 before I got home and ate my lunch.  Now it's nearly 2:30 and while I have changed into weaving clothing, I've yet to find the energy to head down the stairs.

However, sitting in the sun soaking up some sunshine has helped and I know if I can just get to the loom I will actually feel better - physically and mentally.

Dinner will be leftovers so I don't even have to cook (as such).  Doug and his helper are in the final stages of dismantling Puff and getting things onto palettes.  We are hoping to hear if the potential buyer can arrange shipping and complete the purchase. I'm hoping that it moves on to whatever comes next for it because I'd like to cancel the insurance on the annex and get rid of that expense.

I'm hoping that the next pain treatment won't be too extreme and that my light duty days will be just a few instead of the better part of two weeks.  I'm hoping that the third treatment was the biggest hump and that the 'worst' is over.  I'm willing to have a little pain for long term gain, but the past three weeks was challenging.  Well, two of the weeks.  I seemed to cross a threshold after two weeks.  Given that is the case, I will continue on the three week interval. 

It has also become pretty obvious how many of my usual activities/tasks set off pain.  Another reminder that retiring from production weaving was a good decision. 

Currently reading Gods and Robots by Adrienne Mayor

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