
Monday, March 9, 2020

Spring Break Up

Spring break up appears to have arrived.  There are reports that bears are waking up 'early', long before there is food for them.  Migrating birds are letting loose with their song.  The sun is shining again today (with promises of a week of it to come, which will surely reduce the snow pack considerably).

Hope returns, tentatively, quietly, amid more unsettling news this morning.

There is a Chinese 'curse' that goes something like "May you live in interesting times."

Interesting in small doses is good.  It's fun.  It's exciting.  Interesting can also be...challenging, unsettling, stressful.

So my plan for the coming month is to hunker down, focus on my stash reduction, whittle away at my level four lesson plan in hopes that the class in Cape Breton is a 'go'.  Since I routinely take the red eye out there, I'm hoping to be able to fly out with minimum difficulties.  And that by the end of April the Corona virus will be better controlled. 

I was hoping to cut the warp off the Megado yesterday, but there is enough warp for one more towel.  I seriously considered cutting it off anyway, but my goal is to use up as many of the filled pirns as possible, and weaving one more towel with this kind of mediocre beige will at lease empty two more pirns of it.  So that will happen today.

Tomorrow I have my next pain treatment, so my goal today is to cut the warp off, then wind the next warp.  Tomorrow I will see about cutting/serging the woven towels, and threading the Megado.  If I feel up to it.  Light duties that will keep me moving without stressing my body too much.

Or maybe I'll just plan on sitting and reading.  My library book is due on Wednesday and I'm half way through it.

Decisions, decisions.

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