
Sunday, March 8, 2020


So many things happening all round the world and the level of uncertainty, especially regarding travel, is making life difficult for everyone.  Travel to take that class or stay home?  Chance registering and having the class(es) cancel or not bother and the class fails due to low enrollment?

This is the reality for independent instructors all of the time.

Over the years I have arranged teaching tours months in advance only to have something break the schedule due to insufficient students to pay for the event.  At times I have had to completely re-arrange things because of it.  At times I have heavily promoted an event I was booked to present at, then have my class fail due to lack of students.

Nothing is certain in this life.

I am scheduled to teach in Cape Breton the last week of April, first week of May and level one at Olds in June.  I'm pretty certain level four will go ahead based on students in level three reporting that they are working hard on their homework in anticipation of level four going ahead.  Level two may - or may not - go ahead.  I have no way of knowing if level one will go ahead or not.

But here's the thing.  If no one books until they know the class will go ahead?  It will fail.  The college will refund registration if the class cancels due to lack of enrollment.  So if you want to take one of these classes?  Register now.  Registration for all three events are open now.  They must have minimum number of students (8 or 9, depending on the venue) by one month prior to class starting.  I can't book my airline tickets until I know one way or another if either of the Cape Breton classes will go ahead (I will drive to Olds, with a van load of teaching supplies.)

If the pandemic becomes much worse there may be strong recommendations for people to stay home.  But sensible precautions - wash your hands *with soap*, sneeze into your sleeve, don't touch your face, stay home if you are sick  - will protect most people and stop the spread of the virus.

Right now I see this as a time to remain optimistic but sensible.  

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