
Sunday, April 19, 2020

Another Week

I see some of my friends on line expressing their frustration with the physical distancing that is currently required.  I want to rush to them and surround them with all my love, physically hug the stress out of them.  But I can't right now.   Right now we need to stay apart physically.

The thing with the Covid19 virus is that it is completely new (hence the 'novel' designation) and no one really knows much about it.

We know that it belongs to the coronavirus 'family'.  We know that it is highly contagious.  We know the symptoms of it.  What we don't know is how to treat the actual virus, only the symptoms. 

We don't know how many people have it because there isn't enough testing happening.  (There aren't enough tests to go round.)  We don't know if, having had it once, that conveys any immunity to getting it again.  So we don't know if herd immunity is even possible.

We don't know how many people have it and have no or very mild symptoms.

So the best, the only, really, strategy is for as many people as possible to Stay Safe at Home.

As the pandemic continues, it is now being discovered that the virus not only causes damage to the lungs, but also potentially to other organs in the body.

It is disappointing to see long anticipated events cancelled.  It is difficult to face loss of work, income, educational opportunities, travel plans disrupted. 

But right now?  We need to stop the virus the only way we can.  Stay home if possible.  If not possible, disinfect yourself as soon as you get home.  Wearing a mask is only a partial barrier so maintain physical distance from others. 

The goal here is for us to survive this time.  It will be one for the historical records. 

And at the end of this (waves hands), how about we pay 'essential' workers a living wage instead of a barely surviving wage.  Getting more income into the hands of the low income workers will work faster to stimulate the economy than any corporate bail out.

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