
Saturday, April 18, 2020

The Queue

I have always had a queue of warps.  One way or another, they have tended to stack up.  Now that I have the loom dressed again and it seems to be weaving up nicely (shh - don't say that too loudly!) it is time to start thinking about the next.

I pulled the rust/rose tubes a while ago but the grouping isn't sitting quite right yet.  I looked at it last night and I think it needs to be adjusted some more.  The value differences are too great and the visual 'texture' is going to make a fabric that is very 'busy' to the eye.  Unless I resolve that busyness by making small stripes.  Which is a possibility.  But it needs more simmering on the back burner so it will wait.

The blue/greens are fine and for that warp it will be back to a 'fancy' twill.  The values are very close and the much lighter value weft will make a good contrast to set the twill motif off nicely.  She says, optimistically.

But I looked at the box of pirns I'm currently working from, and there are enough pirns for weft for not one, but two warps.  However, I will use up as many of them as possible on the warp and move on to the next.

Yesterday I read through the written work from one of the boxes to be examined.  Today I will take the samples out of the box and continue with the marking.  There is another box on its way and hopefully more Olds students will be sending their boxes, too.

Yesterday we had positive news.  Cases of covid19 appear to be tapering off in our province and tentative plans are to begin loosening restrictions sometime in May.  But only if the numbers continue as they are, hopefully heading downwards.

In the meantime I continue working on stash reduction.  The stack of towels ready for their finishing press will get done today.  I need to tag/price all the towels I've finished over the past couple of months.  I made the difficult decision about pricing and they will have to go up somewhat.  This run of towels is 100% cotton, but made from 2/16 cotton warp/weft and therefore take longer than the towels made with thicker yarns. 

I have been thinking about offering a towel a month via ko-fi as my sale platform.  Prices will therefore be in multiples of 'coffees'.  So a towel would be 10 coffees for $30 (Cdn) for example.  Shipping included.

Stay tuned. 

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