
Sunday, April 26, 2020

Carrying On

towels cut and serged, ready for wet finishing

In this time of uncertainty we must have hope.  Hope that things will get better.  Hope that things will settle.  Hope that we can, at some point in the not too distant future, begin to make plans beyond this moment.

It is said that if you want to make god laugh, tell her your plans.

What power do I have in this time, this moment?  I have the power to focus my attention.  It may only be on the little things, because that is the only thing I can 'control'.  So I keep weaving.

We find ourselves at what is, for us, for now, in a period of containment.  Confinement.  For many of us this is a time of inconvenience.  We can't go about our 'normal' activities without endangering ourselves and others.  Our best strategy is to stay home if at all possible.

Our long range goal is to first of all, survive.  Once we have come out the other end of this :waves hands: we will be able to figure out how we go forward.

In the meantime the climate continues to worsen.  I heard of catastrophic flooding in Kenya where people, already burdened by the pandemic, have now lost their homes, their animals, their crops.  I have no doubt some also lost their lives, due to the massive flood event.

Here at home we are not even out of April and already there are flood warnings in effect to the south of us.

So we need to be asking ourselves - once we are through :this:, how do we proceed?  Do we go back to over consumption?  Single minded reliance on petroleum products?  Using up the planet's resources until they are gone with no Plan B?

We have been given a time to pause and reflect on what is truly important and what we should be focusing on.  What we need to be addressing as a society.

I have no answers.  Only questions.

In the meantime I do what I do.  Weave.  I will work on what comes next when we are through :this:.


  1. My fear is that we, human beings, at least those in the U.S., are too self-absorbed, too focused on ‘me’ and ‘mine.’ Yes, we are seeing lots of care and kindness right now, and also ignorance and selfishness (aka protestors). As a society our memories are woefully short, our politicians funded by big money, and our positions on most issues remarkably divided. We treat each other, politically, as mortal enemies, not even looking for where we have a multitude of similarities, needs, and desires. This time HAS given us lots of opportunities to consider-will we, can we, take advantage of them? I wish I were much more optimistic.

  2. Agreed. It is hard to be optimistic right now. But it is all I have left to give this world. My optimism, my hope and my textiles. What the world will make of them is not up to me.

    Hugs, friend.
