
Saturday, April 25, 2020


wooden rattle dad carved for me out of one piece of wood

great grandmother

There have been lots of posts on the internet about how if you aren't doing great things during the stay at home recommendations you aren't really trying.

No.  I don't buy into that.  None of us are required to do 'great' things at any point in our lifetimes.

Late last year I had toyed with the idea of joining Ancestry and digging into my family history.  I'm mostly interested in learning more about my father's family.  My mother's family tree has been well documented by a cousin and I know the broad story - how two brothers arrived in the Gaspe region of North America in the 1700s from France, one staying in what was to become Canada, the other south to what is now the US.  From there family members moved west, eventually settling mainly in the area of Montreal.  Several of mom's uncles bought land in Saskatechewan and there are cousins there, still.  A few came to BC and here I am.

I know very little about my father's family.  Much is shrouded in mystery although I have learned a few details.

But I find myself unable to dredge up the energy or enthusiasm to do the work of digging through records to find out more.  I am also not reading much because I have little concentration.  So instead of spending what mental acuity I have on reading fiction, I hold it in reserve to use in marking and designing the next tea towel warp.

I have pretty steadily been working my way through the yarn wound on pirns that need to be delivered to the new owner.  I have been answering questions from students and staying in touch with friends near and far.  I have two warps more or less ready with another in the simmering on the back burner stage.

The series on Ko-fi is taking up a certain amount of my mental faculties, too, but that is just an extension of my desire to teach and drawing on decades of knowledge.

But that's the thing during this time.  Try to stay active doing things that do not overly tax you, but give you the stimulus you need to get up, get dressed and do something that you enjoy.

You are not required to do grand things - write the Great Canadian Novel, invent the next best thing, discover a new galaxy or anything really.

What you are required to do is listen to the medical professionals.  If you can, stay home.  If you can't, keep physical distance, wear a mask (but don't think it is a guarantee you won't get it - keep the physical distance), when you get home wash your hands, mask, keys, phone, bags.

And be kind.  Everyone is stressed right now.  People are out of work, out of money, some may be worried about feeding their families or if they will have a home next month.  Don't start bad mouthing Asians.  Don't swallow conspiracy theories.  Don't drink or inject poisons based on the babbling of someone who seems intent on doing the worst possible thing Every Single Day.

Love and light to you all.  Stay safe.  I want a giant hug next time I see you in person.  When  it is safe to do so.

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