
Friday, April 24, 2020

Tiny Steps

There is enough warp left on the loom for two or three more towels.  I may decide that two more is sufficient and sacrifice whatever is left.

It is time to work on the draft for the next warp.  I don't need to decide today or even tomorrow, but by Sunday I should be able to begin threading.

The last couple of towel warps were woven in twill blocks for a number of reasons.  For one thing that is easy to thread (usually) while fancy twills can be more difficult to get right.

A warp with a variety of hues/values can begin to look visually busy and the block of solid colour will dampen that busyness down.

But the next warp is three yarns that are very close in both hue and value, so it will be back to a fancy twill.

Today I will be pressing the last batch of towels which I finished hemming last night.  A towel will be mailed to someone, and more towels will be set out in a box in the carport (we have a work table in there for things like putting parcels or for Doug to work on that is out of sight) for a local to come and select a couple of towels for her mom.

And I will open another box that needs marking and begin going through that.

Life goes on chez nous pretty much as usual.  Life is for living, whatever that means to the person doing the living. 

Stay home if you possibly can.   If you must go out, wear a mask, maintain physical distance, disinfect your hands, mask and parcels when you get home.  Do not, under any circumstance, drink or inject the disinfectants.  

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