
Sunday, May 17, 2020

Roller Coaster

Today is not a 'good' day for me.  I have been plagued with seasonal allergies and sinus congestion and not sleeping well for a number of reasons.

So I woke up feeling lethargic and tired.

We think that progress should be a steady, straight line to the goal, but it isn't.  We all have good days, bad days and meh days.  Sometimes we have more energy than other days.

Right now what keeps me going is the fact that I can weave.  I am past the halfway mark on the current warp.  I've used up more of the yarn wound onto pirns and am about to weave a colour more to my taste (just one more of the green to do) and I'm hoping that the new colour (cherry red) will be really dramatic.  Two of the red/dark towels will be given to a friend for a bd present (belated no doubt but she also feels such things are moveable feasts).

I am dragging my feet on getting a warp onto the Leclerc, but have cleared most of the clutter away from that loom so I can beam the warp.  But I need to math for that one and my brain is foggy with sinus congestion.  However, I could at least get the warp beamed.  I mathed enough to get that started a couple of weeks ago.

Someone posted on Twitter that now is the time for compassion and to begin with yourself.

So I am going to go get dressed and finish that green yarn.  And then have a Skype get together with a couple of friends.  It's not supposed to rain today, so I might begin the red after the Skype call and finish the day with a walk.  I'm seeing progress in muscle strength and I would really like to keep moving in the direction of improving, not sliding back.

But if I can't?  That's ok, too.  There is always tomorrow.

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