
Monday, May 18, 2020

Rolling Right Along

We got all the towels re-tagged but have run out of tags.  Which means I am going to have to go buy more.  Since the printer I last ordered tags from is still in business, apparently, I will have to find out if they are open during this time of pandemic.  And request changes - new telephone number, remove the words "Weaving Studio".  Because weaving is now my 'hobby', not a business.  On the other hand, the textiles I place for sale at consignment shops still need to have legal labels, so...

Yesterday I had a Skype call with a couple of friends.  We have been meeting pretty much every two weeks (barring individual schedules) since around 1995.    We have diverse backgrounds, but a shared interest in textiles.  I weave, one of the others knits and all of us got intrigued with bobbin lace.

Over the years, our shared interest has turned into friendship and it was lovely to see their faces and talk for an hour.  We will do it again in two weeks, and then see how things are going.  If restrictions are lifting, we will plan on meeting at the house of one as she has a large deck and we can maintain physical distancing.

We talked about being at home, wearing masks, taking precautions.  One has to have Zoom meetings for work and she talked about Zoom fatigue.

I have read articles about how people who don't have an appropriate level of social interactions can start to have problems staying away from others.  All three of us have experienced isolation due to medical issues and are perhaps a little more accepting that this needs to happen right now.

Craft fairs locally are cancelled so the two of us who sell our work are unsure as to why we continue.  Except that we find solace in creation.  And things will start to sell again, sometime, somewhere.

Two of us belong to the fibre arts guild, and we are looking at how we might be able to hold a sale in the guild room in November and/or December.  Whether we take appointments or some other method of managing people has yet to be worked out.

"Normal", as they say, is a setting on the dryer.  With a vaccine still months away, a second wave predicted as society begins to 'open up', no one has any idea at all what things are going to look like next week, never mind in the autumn.

The country south of us is pressing to open up, including the border, but our PM is being cautious.  The country to the south of us is currently the leader in cases...and the world.  We don't need to import the virus from them.  Which may mean that Americans may not be allowed into Canada to attend the Olds satellite classes in September.  Which means, they might 'fail' due to lack of numbers.

And so we finally come to grips with the uncertainty of life.  Truth is, there is no certainty.  We just think there is.  Now we are being forced to look uncertainty in the face and acknowledge that there is only now, only this.  We had better make the most of our time here, because there are no guarantees of tomorrow.  For anyone.


  1. Why shouldn't your tags still include "Weaving Studio"? The definition "studio" is--the working place of a painter, sculptor, or photographer. The dictionaries (I looked at several) neglected to include weavers, fiber artists, etc.

  2. Because it was the name of my business.

  3. I don’t pretend to know the legalities, but I’m with Janet in spirit. You are still weaving beautiful things, and weaving them in your home studio. Just saying.
