
Sunday, June 21, 2020


Human beings are quite amazing, really.  Infinitely adaptable - even if we complain like crazy while changing.  Capable of critical thinking, analyzing, making the most of what we have.  Or staying stubbornly stuck in where we are, refusing to change or move.

We construct a reality and then stick with it, sometimes refusing to see any evidence that perhaps our bubble is not helpful, or healthy.

We make our bubble as comfortable as possible for us and those we value, sometimes to the detriment of those outside of our own bubble.

We are living in interesting times right now.  Attitudes are being shaken up.  People who don't want to change because they have a comfortable bubble are having a hard time.  We want to stay cocooned safely in our bubbles.

But a cocoon is a pretty constrained place.  While it might be comfortable enough, it isn't until the butterfly emerges from the cocoon that it can fly freely and continue to grow and live life as it was meant to be.

Even though I have been aware of my bubble of white privilege and have been working to break that down, I constantly bump up against the systemic (yes, it is systemic) attitudes ingrained in our society and even our language.

It is difficult to undergo dramatic change, but current affairs are making us aware that the time has come for change.  What we will do and look like at the other end of the breaking down of bubbles/cocoons no one really knows.

Just this morning I learned of a piece of history I had no knowledge of, in spite of having a pretty decent education.  And so the journey continues as I learn more.

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