
Saturday, June 20, 2020


For years my personal 'new year' has begun at the winter solstice.  But I am reminded that as we mark the winter solstice, the southern hemisphere is marking their summer, and vice versa.

In some communities, such dates were marked with fire - fire to bring the light to banish the dark.  In April one year I was in Sweden for the spring equinox and they also used fire to 'encourage the sun' in its annual journey from dark winter and then back to spring. 

Humanity is built on light.  When things seem dark, we long for sunshine.  We long for illumination.  Sometimes we do that by lighting candles or huge bonfires.

And so, today, in the northern hemisphere, we mark the summer solstice.  The day when the earth changes from lengthening days to shorter daylight hours.

We are not half way through the calendar year, but time as we know it is a construct, one that ignores the fact that the summer solstice is truly half way through the annual journey round the sun.

And what a year it has been.  Nor is it over yet.

We are living through 'interesting times'.  May I live long enough to see things get better for those who are hurting.

Peace and good will to everyone. 

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