
Tuesday, June 9, 2020


When I achieved the master weaver certification from the Guild of Canadian Weavers, Doug made me two cups with a copy of the certificate printed on them.  One facing me, one facing away from me.  One was to remind me that I had risen to the challenge and done it.  The other was to remind others.

For the last while I have been coasting in my comfortable rut.  It's a nice rut.  I know how wide it is and how deep.  The bottom is well trodden with few pot holes (yes, some, but usually anticipated.)

It has been quite satisfying, plodding along that well worn path.  From time to time I would branch out, usually because I was 'ghost weaving' for someone else.  Nothing like trying to meet someone else's specs to sharpen ones focus!

It was one of my stated objectives when I 'retired'.  'Retirement' being not weaving for sale as a major focus of my practice.  As such I didn't need to keep my eye on how long something was taking, working only with the most efficient of practices.  I could dip into weave structures that were, by their very nature, slower to weave.  Such as using two shuttles.

So I took on a project that required two shuttles just to see how it would go.  There have been some pot holes.  It has pushed me, in just the way I had said I wanted to be pushed.

It has not been comfortable.  But it has been a growth experience.  On the other hand, I am looking forward to the next warp being another comfortable rut.

We are all going through a challenge right now.  We have arrived at that state of 'interesting times' and many of us are feeling stressed and tired.  We are missing our usual routine (our comfortable rut) and longing to get back to 'normal'.

But 'normal' is a long way aways, and given that 'normal' wasn't all that great for a lot of people, maybe we need to look at new ways.

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