
Monday, June 8, 2020

Finding A Way

Society is in the throes of great upheaval right now.  We are living in 'interesting' times.  Personally I could do without it, we are.

As many of us are still self-isolating (and I will continue to do so for a while) it becomes difficult to know what to do.  Continue as 'usual'?  Well, things aren't as 'usual' right now because of the isolating.

As an individual, my powers to affect change are limited.  But what I *can* do is state, firmly and unequivocally that I am against racism, sexism, etc.

I am for lifting people up, not punching them down.  I am liberal in my political leanings.  I support socialist constructs like education, health care, infrastructure like roads, sewer, water treatment - for all.

Policies that are for the Common Good, that make life better for everyone, not just a few.

I would like to see people of wealth taxed appropriately rather than have the burden of these programs fall on the shoulders of people who are struggling financially.  I would like to see at least a 'living' wage rather than poverty wages such that a business hands new hires the application for food stamps because they KNOW they are not paying their employees enough to survive on, never mind thrive on.  I would like to see people have the health care they need - regardless of the colour of their skin. 

In a democracy, we have the power of our vote.  I would like to urge everyone to make sure they get out and vote, even when you know your vote isn't going to carry much weight.  Vote for people who are not bent on suppressing others by their policies. 

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