
Monday, June 15, 2020

Exploring Options

Just because there is a pandemic and civil unrest doesn't mean that life for some stops.  While we can try to advocate for people who are suffering, it's also good therapy for me to continue with my weaving practice.

So here is an example of drawing on a historical resource:  Patricia Hilts Ars Textrina submission from December 1990, volume 14 from Nathaniel Lumscher's book published in 1708.

The book is a volume of drafts, most of them for 8 and 12 shaft looms with a few drafts for 16 and 20.

Thumbing through the book, looking for inspiration for the next tea towel warp, I came across one that I sort of liked given the yarns I wanted to use next - 2/16 white, bleached and natural (because I don't have enough of either for a warp and because if one colour is good, two is better.)

The original design was a bit 'blocky' but I know how to move blocks around so I transcribed the draft as given exactly, then moved the blocks around where I wanted them, then changed the shape of the blocks from the tables in the corners to roses, separated by tables.  Then repeated it all until I had the length needed for a tea towel.

The length is a bit on the long side, so I may cut back on the hem areas, or I may adjust the centre of the treadling.  Or I may just leave them really long.  To be determined.

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