
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Not Perfect

The colours in the photo are not quite accurate, but pretty close.

This warp was a bit of a departure for me as I haven't been doing over all designs like this much.  For a while I've been doing large 'fancy' twills, or block twills.

This design has always appealed to me in part because of the nice curves, in part because it looks like scales or small feathers.  In my head I had been thinking of it as peacock feathers (the small ones, not the large 'eyes') but the colours aren't quite right - too subdued and not very brilliant in hue.  When I posted this photo to Facebook, someone commented that it was mermaid scales. 

They aren't 'perfect'.  I know where the 'wrinkles' are.  But they are pretty good and overall, I'm pleased with them.

With the AVL I used to be able to keep weaving for up to around 40 yards before needing to cut the cloth off the storage roller, and even then, there was no need to re-tie as I would cut off at the beam down at the back of the loom, not up at the front of the loom.

But the Megado doesn't have a cloth storage roller, and I was getting tired of 'fighting' with the growing roll of cloth and needing to fuss with setting tension every time I advanced.  Finally decided to bite the bullet and cut it off and re-tie - see if that would make the second half of the warp easier to set tension on.

It was also past time I needed to deal with the rest of the warp on the Fanny, so it made sense to cut off the 10 woven towels and get them wet finished so I could begin hemming them while I tackled the warp on the other loom.

The warp is the usual 2/16 cotton, but because the weave structure is based on a satin, I increased the epi to 36 and it looks like it is the correct density.  I didn't have any trouble beating more or less to square and maintaining a consistent beat.    Or close enough.

These will go up for sale on my ko-fi account when they are hemmed and given their final press.  They will be the same price as the other towels, which is a bit of a bargain, given the extra work involved - more ends per inch, more picks per inch, more yarn per towel.  But they should be ready soon-ish if anyone is interested.

1 comment:

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