
Friday, July 24, 2020

Nothing Fancy

"I like boring.  Boring means nothing is going wrong."   Allen Fannin

I also like boring.  I like when nothing is going wrong.

Yesterday I managed to thread this latest warp, made of a mid range blue/green, turquoise and an odd sort of mid range blue that would not, at first glance, go with the other two, but somehow does in this stripe arrangement.

It would have looked odd in my more usual approach of mixing things up randomly, but grouped in stripes, it works.  (See yesterday's post for a close up of the beamed warp.)

Like the recent rose/beige stripe, I'm not sticking strictly to solid groups of colours, but allowing them to blur at the margins.  Will this be successful?  To be determined.

It is a 'quiet' design, nothing fancy.  The threading was dead easy, a straight draw over 16 shafts.  It will be woven in a 1:3 broken twill and could be done on four shafts.  But the Megado has 16, and it was simpler to just thread over all 16 because the warp has 768 ends in it and the shafts don't have that many headdles on just four of them, but do, spread out over the 16.

It will be woven upside down to lift the fewest number of shafts so I'll be looking at the 'back' side of the cloth to weave it.

Still on a quest to weave down my stash, I stumbled on some cones I inherited from my friend Lynn who died about 5 years ago and left me her entire yarn stash.  I have mostly woven or given away her yarns, but kept 9 large cones of cotton in the exact shade of the main colour in this warp, but only realized a couple of days ago that it isn't all 2/16 size, but 2/20, 2/16 and 2/10.  I was going to use the 2/16, which was a slightly darker teal, but there was only one small cone of that, not enough to weave the entire warp, so instead grabbed one of the 2/10 cones.  While I haven't weighed it, it looks to be about a kilo - plenty to weave the entire warp.

The cloth won't be fancy, far from it.  But the colours should be pretty enough to brighten someone's kitchen (or bath - we've been using my 'tea' towels for hand towels).

And sometimes 'boring' is just the thing to get me through the day.

We have been having nearly daily rain and today is dull, grey and wet.  I am weary of it.  I am also weary of pandemics, and politics.  A little 'boring' is just what the doctor ordered.

Stay safe everyone.  Take time to rest if you need to do so.  You can't pour from an empty cup.  Etc.

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