
Thursday, July 23, 2020

Sunny Day

Considering how many towels I have woven with some variation of these colours in them, a person would be forgiven if they made the assumption that I like these colours.  :D

I do like them, but mostly, it is because I like them that I have so much yarn in them.  With the stated goal of weaving down my stash, I have to weave it up - and so another turquoise/blue warp is going into the loom.

With so much uncertainty in the world, I remind myself daily that an accident of birth means I live in a place that is currently quite safe.  We  have universal health care and the federal government has been providing income protections and monies for businesses to stagger on during the pandemic.

But we also have issues of racism and inequality that need to be dealt with.  The pandemic has highlighted many of these issues in other countries, but also here.

As a country we are not homogeneous.   We are far too large geographically and backgrounds differ far too much.  Plus the colonialism that this country is built on with all the history and trauma that entails.

As a single person I feel my power to change things is very limited and every day I have to figure out what to do.

So I try to focus on positive things, encourage people to do better, be better, follow the teachings of their personal god if they have one (every major religion has the same core - be kind, do no harm), stay positive, but above all Stay Safe.

I continue to weave, not because there is any great need for another warp of tea towels, but because that is my super power (so to speak).  I can make things.

And right now?  Making something out of 'nothing' seems to me to be very powerful.  It is an expression of my personal creativity.  It is a vote for the future.  It is a wish for stability.  A prayer, if you will, for the safety of all.

Stay safe at home if you can.  If you must go out, wear a mask, keep physically distant.  Wash your hands.

{{{hugs}}} to all struggling during this time.


  1. What beautiful thoughts.
    Make these days matter, they may be the only ones we get.

    I have been taking lots of classes online, because I am a
    beginning weaver and it's very hard. Hard, because you
    can't ask questions.

    For example, I just finished wet finishing a 2/2 twill in wool.
    It looks good. I have the right sett for the right yarn! Yeah.
    Then my husband asked, get, if we decide to do Dornick Twill
    or Undulating Twill do we have to do another sample to check shrinkage?

    I dunno. None of my online classes have said anything about different
    twills shrinking differently. I'm worried because wool is expensive and
    we can't afford to sample too much. We practiced the patterns in cheap
    cotton and only made one wool sample.

    This comes of husbands thinking wonderful things like, gee we can
    change the twill between each chair.

  2. If the float length is similar, it should be fairly consistent. Maybe not identical, but close.

  3. Thank you! Would you be interested in answering questions for you normal teaching rate?
    If so, email me and we can work out particulars. I would put all my questions in a weekly email.

  4. Not sure what info you want. I can't find an email for you but you can email me laura at laurafry dot com
