
Thursday, July 16, 2020

Rainy Day

On this grey rainy day I share a pretty picture of a flax field in bloom.

It seems like it is the summer of our discontent.  One day after another of grey dreary days here.  On the other hand, there is little incentive to leave the house, so there is that, during this time of pandemic and staying safe at home.

The string of grey days does get wearing, though.  Yesterday a small group met here for an appropriately physically distant visit.  One of them commented that our carport was nice and big.  Doug also sets out long 'tables' so that people who bring a drink or their knitting have a place to put their things.  It also reinforces the concept of staying further apart than we are used to.

My goals for each day are few.  I keep them simple and as undemanding as I can.  We are all stressed.  And I am 'retired' so there is little of any critical nature that needs to be dealt with.  Usually.

On the other hand, I do have deadlines - it's just that they are softer than they used to be. 

I have my personal goal of weaving down my stash.  As I see how long that is going to take, I have incentive to get to the studio every day, for at least a little while.

But I have also been working with another weaver, weaving samples for her.  And her deadlines are much crunchier.  It's also fun to work with someone else who has different goals and priorities.  It forces me to look at textiles in a way I wouldn't necessarily do on my own.

I am still having problems with focus and I notice that mostly in how little I read these days.  I have piles and piles of books that I would like to read, but can't somehow drum up the desire to actually pick one of them up.

All a consequence of adjusting to retirement, dealing with health issues, including avoiding the coronavirus...

I hear that the Gaelic College is working on dates in May of next year so hopefully I will hear soon if I will be scheduled to teach them.  In the meantime the days roll by, one after another.  The hours of daylight shrink as we slide towards winter.

And hopefully come to grips with the pandemic so that we can once again safely travel.

Stay safe everyone.  In the meantime {{{virtual hugs}}}

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