
Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The Journey Continues

I have, for the most part, been confining my excursions out of the house to maintenance.  Necessary, but not always a 'fun' time.

So it was yesterday.  I had been having issues with my eyes which led me to believe that it was time for another eye exam.  It had been about two years, so I dutifully made an appointment, thinking it would take some weeks to get in given the pandemic and so on.  However, I was able to get an appointment for yesterday (about 10 days after I phoned, and my choice to not take an earlier appointment because I already had a different maintenance appointment for that day/time!)

I wanted to know if my watering eyes and muscle twitches were an indication of needing a new prescription.  And to find out how the 'baby' cataracts I had in both eyes were growing.

Some good news - and some 'bad'.

Yes, I needed a new prescription, but I needed it because the sight in one eye had improved.  (Apparently a not uncommon occurrence in 'old' folk!)  Unfortunately the cataract in my right eye had also grown such that part of my problem was the cataract.  It isn't bad enough yet for surgery - he figures another 2-3 years.

So I'll go back in another two years (or sooner depending on how things are going).  But in the meantime, my night vision won't be great so any driving I do will be limited to town and street lighting.  On the other hand, I don't do the long road trips I used to do and when I do, they are usually in the summer with our long daylight hours.

But it came home to me again how lucky I am to live in this time.  Prior to modern medicine, issues like hearing and vision loss would have meant obstacles to living.  Now we have prescription lenses that help with a variety of vision issues - from lazy eye muscles (as they were called when I was a child), to astigmatism, to just plain poor vision - like I have, since I was a child.

The hearing loss so far isn't huge, but it won't ever get better so I try to wear my hearing aids daily to get used to them, and keep my brain processing sounds. 

Over the years I've dealt with mobility issues (broken ankle, non-weight bearing) and benefited from things like a walker and crutches. 

During the pandemic, we know how viruses (virii?) are spread and we can take precautions.  Wearing a mask is a bit annoying, especially in times of hot or cold weather, but better than catching the disease.

We have been fortunate in the town where I live insofar as we have had very few cases, and they were mild.  But now that the province is 'opening' up and people are travelling again, it would only take one person, asymptomatic, spreading the virus to those around them. 

So I will continue to wear a mask when I go out like I did yesterday.  I will continue to physically distance when visiting or meeting with others, like I will this afternoon. 

Yesterday while talking to the ophthalmologist, I mentioned being triply at risk and he asked in what way - so I told him - cardiac, cancer and age.  He nodded and said yes, I needed to be cautious.

So I will continue to be 'covid cautious'.  I have a brand new (less than one year old) loom and way too much yarn I need to use up.

Stay safe at home if you can.  Wear a mask if you need to go out.  Wash your hands when you get home.

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