
Friday, August 14, 2020

A Day Off

Yesterday I took a day 'off'.

It was a nice enough day, albeit overcast and chilly, but I just didn't feel like doing anything.  The feeling lasted pretty much all day, although I did get the towels I'd wet finished on Wednesday pressed ready to be hemmed.  At 4 pm I gathered myself together and went down to the loom to tie on the warp again and generally puttered putting the drying rack away, folding the towels and bringing them upstairs.

I cleared the decks so that I could get weaving again today.

I had blamed the massage treatment for my malaise, as sometimes happens, but it looks like I might have gotten another spider bite.  I get one or two bites every summer and while they don't cause me any particular problems, I don't feel 'well' - tired and zero energy. 

And frankly, I have maintained a pretty good routine of working in the studio every day for at least an hour, more often two or more - a day off seemed the proper response.

So I scrolled through the internet, played Scrabble, worked on the puzzle and after dinner hemmed a couple of too-small tea towels, which will be given away to a friend for napkins.  Plus she'll get the one towel from the current warp that had an oopsie.  Always good to have friends willing to 'adopt' my 'orphans'.

To be honest, I didn't even think very much, just had a good wallow.

Today I'm feeling better and the red mark on my leg which I think is the bite location is fading. 

Sometimes it is more efficient to just take a day off rather than keep pushing through.  My massage therapist's words came back to me - it's time to stop pushing.  It's time to listen to my body.

Working on it...

Reading Smoke Bitten by Patricia Briggs

1 comment:

  1. When you’ve always worked hard, giving yourself permission to have a day off is hard! Don’t feel guilty, after all you are supposed to be retired lol.

    Your new massage therapist has got it right, though sometimes we have to hear it to give us the push we need to look after ourselves both physically and mentally in this current “normal”, whatever that may be in the countries people live in.
