
Saturday, August 15, 2020

August Progress

Before things can get 'better', it seems they have to get worse.

Doug has been sorting through things to take to the charity shops next week.  Now that I'm no longer travelling to or doing local craft fairs, we don't need the packing boxes that we would use to transport finished inventory to the fairs.  Or at least, not the stacks of them.

Doug treated loading up for travel like the van was a kind of tetris - all the boxes were purchased so that they would fit into the van to maximize the space and we could fit as much stuff into the van for transport as possible.

Doug made a cart because frequently it was difficult to get a venue cart and nearly everything fit onto the cart for one load.  I would hand carry in the awkward things - the scarf racks, the tall stool we would perch on and so on.

We got rid of much of that last autumn, keeping a few things that might be useful at the guild sales.

I am staying focused on weaving, as much as possible.  My urge to write is limited, usually to these blog posts.  I didn't have much expectation when I started this blog that very many people would be interested enough to join me on my journey.  Last night the page view count rolled over 1.89M.

Human beings measure progress in various ways.  Sometimes we dream big dreams; other days we are content if we manage to make it through the day.

Right now my expectations for progress are modest - try to get to the loom every day, weave as much as I feel comfortable (one or two towels).  In the evening I have been hemming, working on jigsaw puzzles, or just vegging while we watch tv.

Now that I am feeling better than I was, my intention to continue to use up stash is renewed.  I'm nearly finished making all the puzzles in the house - just a few more to go.  Once the table is cleared off, I'm thinking of what I can do 'next' and suspect it will be time to get back to spinning.  I intend to ply some of the fine silk to make it thick enough to see (what can I say - aging eyes) and then there is my spinning fibre stash.

I have almost used up what I can of the the yarns for knitting shawls and need to find homes for the ones already made.  I'm hoping the guild will be able to have a 'safe' sale later in the autumn, since the craft fair it usually has a booth at is canceled for this year.

Mostly I hope that the predicted tsunami of a second pandemic wave fizzles, although the news on CBC last night wasn't very hopeful - unless people start taking precautions.

Anyway, I have another bin of towels to press, and more ready to hem.

Little by little.  Even small steps are progress.

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