
Sunday, August 23, 2020


view of the Nechako River

We are now five months into the pandemic measures and people are feeling fatigue.  The stress has been unrelenting in many cases and difficult to manage for many.

Even people who are introverts, who don't mind staying home, limiting their social interactions are beginning to find it all tiring.

This past week has been a bit of a roller coaster for me, even though I am largely getting better and things are improving physically.

The reality of this pandemic is that it is not going to be over any time soon.  People are worried about their children and school re-opening.  People are worried about their finances, if they can pay their bills, if they will have a job to return to.

Governments are running out of money, just like the rest of us, so what can they do?  The economy is going to have to be adjusted, hopefully in a way that benefits as many people as possible.

We have a new minister of finance here, a risky move given the watershed we are about to undergo with tweaking the economy, but was deemed necessary.  It will be interesting to see what the new minister will do, given their long involvement with the publication Financial Times, and being involved in reporting on the economy and then dealing with negotiations with other countries for trade deals.

This past week I have found myself struggling to find the energy to do much of anything.  We had another week of grey dreary days, but the weather forecast is looking more promising for the coming week, so I'm hoping with a little sunshine I will feel more energetic.

OTOH, I am supposed to be 'retired' - but I am also not giving up living, or weaving.  So on the one hand, while there is no great urgency to get to the loom to make stuff, I also want to keep active, keep weaving, keep using my yarn stash. 

I do not want to leave my friends with the chore of getting rid of hundreds of pounds of yarn...

The reality is, I need to sell some of what I have made, but right now most venues are closed and I am also reluctant to sell to Americans because of the USPS issues and mail being delayed for weeks in some cases.  (One parcel, mailed July 2 still has not been delivered.)

As I get older, what I miss the most is my energy.  I am hoping that as I recover physically I will regain some of it.  I also miss my ability to concentrate, which seems to have flown out the window.  Maybe that will come back with the sunshine, too.

I have no answers, just - hang in there.  Stay safe at home if you can.  Wear a mask if you need to go out.  Maintain safe social distance.  Wash your hands.

While we may be tired or bored, the virus is not and is building up to the second wave...


  1. Would that your closing words were not true. Unfortunately I am in complete agreement-they are all too true. Not a problem for me personally before, I now find myself thinking about doing some non-essential things, and have to do the virtual self-slap. No, don’t start being lax. Stay the course, though it will be long. Close your eyes for a few seconds, breathe, and remember that you have MANY bins of yarn to use up, can download both kindle and audiobooks free from the library, and have been able to see your kids and grandkids, so keep up the good work, Peg. Self talk works for me.

  2. I could have written this post, not as eloquently of course, but your words are my words. Plus for Americans we have an unsettling election looming large with a deranged cheating president willing to do anything to keep his office. As for energy, I know mine will never return to the level that I used to enjoy. My grandmother used to say, my get up and go, has got up and went. I take a 5 mg of Ritalin about 1:00 to smooth over that midday slump. On the days that doesn’t work I figure it’s time to read.
