
Monday, August 24, 2020


Yesterday was a lovely day - partially cloudy, mild - a great day for a safe socially distanced visit with a couple of people in my carport.

Today is not so nice.  The skies opened a while ago and it rained heavily.  Again.  I try to remind myself to be grateful for the wet summer that has meant fewer nasty wildfires, but...

Since I took the afternoon 'off' yesterday, I didn't finish setting up the red/black warp.  This morning I managed to finally finish threading it, then began sleying the reed.  I got this far when the lunch bell rang.

Now I am faced with some personal 'business' that needs doing.  It will mean time on the phone, but I need to take care of this sooner rather than later.

Instead I am procrastinating - again. 

OTOH, I am quite liking this combination, in spite of the colour being non-traditional for most kitchens.  I have zero idea if anyone will buy the towels I have been obsessively making during this time of pandemic.  I would no doubt make them anyway, just not this non-stop deep dive into the 2/16 stash.  I'm sure I would have tired of tea towels weeks ago and been onto something else, I am.

There are three more warps in the queue, and I'm thinking once those are done I could do a re-combination of those yarns and do a few more warps, using this setup.  It's just a point progression over 16 shafts and the weave structure will reflect the stripe.

It is dead easy - and yet I still made one threading error and one sleying error.  So far.

I may not even get weaving today given the time as I'm writing this.  OTOH, it may not take me very long on the phone to deal with the pressing issue.  Plus an on-line order from a shop that doesn't mandate mask wearing but does do home delivery of on-line orders.

So...I will use that option rather than brave the store. 

I miss my energy.  I miss my fit(ter) body.  I miss my friends and students.  I am truly now the tortoise, and most certainly not any kind of Energizer Bunny!

1 comment:

  1. I am reading Still Here, by Ram Dass, about aging, and many of the comments you make remind me of things in his book. I hope you realize that you are an elder in the weaving community in the finest sense, and that you have a vast store of wisdom. Perhaps your task now is to continue to share that wisdom with the community. I know I learn a lot just reading your blog. Thank you!
