
Sunday, September 6, 2020

Road to Recovery

Thursday I had a massage treatment and while observing that I was doing really well, the therapist suggested I tweak what I was doing at the loom.  Well, I did, and today I am in quite a lot of pain.  So I don't think that tweak is going to work for me.

The good news is that I won't be weaving for a couple of days so hopefully things will settle down and I can carry on with my recovery.

But it is very discouraging and frustrating, dealing with a body that was rode hard, put away wet, far too frequently in my life.  I ignored most of the warning signals and pushed through the pain.  Now that I'm retired (for certain values of) I am trying to pay attention and listen to my body.  I still need it to carry me through another decade or so.

But that's the thing.

Not everything we try will result in 'success'.  Not everything we do will result in 'perfect'.  Not everything we attempt will be what we want it to be.

We don't know until we try.  We just don't know how things will turn out.

And that is the story of life in so many ways.

We keep going.  We keep trying.  We accept the results and move on.  Sometimes we are pleased, sometimes, not so much.

So I'm not a happy camper today.  But I'm working on dressing the loom, which probably isn't going to help much, but I can take breaks.  I'm taking the pain killers.  I'm going to do the exercises that the therapist suggested.

And I'm going to hang onto hope that this too shall pass. 

For everyone struggling today?  I send love and light and hope that things will eventually get better.


  1. Laura,
    Following you on FB.
    I am 73. I had a stroke in 2007. I have been working on adapting to a new reality for the last 13 years. I picked up (serendipitously) a kind of treatment for pain that I think could help you. It isn't main-stream but it was originally prescribed to me by an MD. If you contact me via email I will point you in the right direction. I have no monetary investment in this at all. I just would love to see it more widely used wherever it would help.
    Linda Morehouse

  2. I struggle with cluster headaches, and am trying a new "rescue" treatment after 2 months of unremitting pain. The previous treatments that worked well for the past three or four years are now failing. I too am hopeful of finding a solution, or combination of solutions that will let me continue to create and live a joyful life. But it is the willingness to try and to not fall into despair that is key.
