
Saturday, September 5, 2020


So today I expect to finish weaving the red/black warp.  I will weave one more towel, then cut off the warp.  Finished - for certain values of 'finished'.  Because weaving - like life, really - is full of endings - and beginnings.

We transition from one day to the next, one season to the next, one warp to the next.

Every ending brings a new beginning.

Human beings are confronted with endings and beginnings every day.  A book we have been enjoying ends.  The CD on the boombox ends.  The TV program we have been enjoying ends.  These are all little endings and rarely do much than cause a blip on our personal radar.

A warp ending is a somewhat bigger ending.  A lot of time and effort goes into setting up the loom and sometimes people feel a little bit anxious about getting their next warp into the loom.

When I changed looms I had to change my approach to dressing the loom.  The Megado has some different features, one of which is a much smaller diameter warp beam.  It has other things that are different from the AVL and it has taken me a good year to slowly get comfortable with the new loom.  I'm still not quite there in terms of 'comfort' because I miss some of the features of the AVL.  But the Megado is going to let me keep weaving for a few more years, so I have to make friends with it.

But today I will cut the red/black warp off the loom.  The next step is to cut/serge them, then run them through the washer/dryer, then press, then hem, then one final press before they are done, done.

During that process of 'finishing', however, the next warp will go into the loom.  It will be the same threading draft but a different colour.

My goal of weaving down my stash continues.  I'm a long way from 'ending' but it is with a small sense of triumph that I empty a tube and put it into the recycle bin. 

And begin using the next.

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