
Saturday, October 31, 2020

Many Elephants


All set up, ready to go again.  I'm finding this new caddy quite useful in keeping my bits and bobs organized.

Yesterday I managed two towels (for a total of 4 on this warp, now) and feeling like I have made a good start.  There is enough dark navy for one more towel with some bits left over.  Then on to the dark forest green.

But every day I am reminded that I have very little energy and it doesn't take long before it runs out.  Things that I used to be able to do without much thought now loom like mountains.  Or elephants.  As in the proverbial question - how do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.

I find I have lost my taste for elephant now.  A part of me still wants to do stuff.  But much of the rest of me says 'meh'.

Which is why I settled on a goal of three things.  I try to do three things each day.  In addition to just living, getting through one more day.  I feel that if I can manage to do three things that is enough for a retired (tired) person.

However I did also commit to doing some things that are very elephant-like by their very nature.  And yesterday I agreed to teach level one at Olds next June.  Covid willing and the crick don't rise.

One of my three things yesterday was to open the box of homework that arrived earlier in the week and take a quick look, pulling the written work out.  After weaving two towels I read through the two written exercises, which became my third thing.

Today I will mark the woven exercises.  Then type up my notes, write an email, arrange for the box to be returned next week.

None of these things would have been a blip on my radar a couple of years ago.  Now?  I find them more challenging.

Of course the pandemic isn't helping.  I've spent time and energy getting the guild sale put together - and now with the rising numbers I get up each morning wondering if the plug will be pulled on it.  Because the numbers are growing - exactly like a virus.  Funny that...

I also have to finish preparing my Power Point presentation.  Then testing my ability to host a Zoom meeting.  A friend who has participated in Zoom meetings over the course of the summer has kindly volunteered to help with it.  I have the best friends!

The seminar series also took time and energy, but mostly that was fun.  And registrations are beginning to come in, so there is something to look forward to in the new year.

But now?  Now it is time for another bite of elephant.  I'm enjoying this blue warp. I'm also enjoying seeing the yarn get used up.  

Finished the Louise Penny last night.  Trying to decide on which book to read next.  Probably the Ian Rankin.  :)  


  1. Yes, three things a day is a good measure for pandemic life. If you manage more you can feel awfully proud of yourself.
    If you need some one to participate in a zoom practice, I’m game! I’ve helped two teacher friends get their zoom game going so far. Beat of luck!

  2. Thanks Melissa. My standards for what I can reasonably achieve in a day are extremely modest these days. I miss my energy. My ambition (if you will). My determination. Now I just feel relieved if I manage my three things. :-/
