
Sunday, November 1, 2020

Rolling Right Along


Yesterday I finished the dark navy weft and wove the first with green weft.  I'm actually liking this combination - a lot.

I might make this side the 'right' side because more green shows and the other side might be a bit dark.  Right now it's too hard to see and really know how it is going to look on the other side. 

There is enough of this green to do 5 or 6 towels and then?  Then I have a really dark purple, which should do about 6 or maybe 7 towels.  And that should finish off this warp.

Registrations for the seminar series has begun.  I'm hoping that as more people find out about it, more people will register.

As previously mentioned, I decided to organize these partly as a way to break down some of the isolation we are all feeling.  And of course here in the northern hemisphere we are heading into winter, a time when many people wind up isolated due to the weather and poor driving conditions.

When the internet was first made public it was touted as being a great leveler, a way for people around the world to communicate and share information.  Since then commercial endeavours seem to have taken it over and we are bombarded with advertising.  Setting up this series felt like returning to the original intent of the internet - the world wide web.

With so many people seeking to divide (and conquer?), it seemed like this series might be a way to remind people that we are more alike than we are different.  Plus put people you may have heard of but would never be able to learn from right in your home.  People who you may never have heard of, but who have textile stories you will find interesting.  People who love textiles as much as you do.  

A way to bring people together instead of building barriers.

Registration has begun, people are welcome to join in.  Americans should know that prices are in Canadian dollars, so you get an exchange rate discount.  What's not to love?  

Prince George Fibre Arts website will take your registration.  Sign up yourself or buy for holiday gift giving.  Most of us will be shopping on line this year anyway, why not have something to look forward to in the new year?  You can also join the guild as an associate member.  That way you get first chance to register and only pay the guild member price.

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