
Tuesday, October 20, 2020



chart tracking Covid-19 cases in BC

I have been following two main websites for information on how many Covid-19 cases there are, one counting numbers worldwide and the other breaking down the numbers for Canada.

The above is the chart for BC that was posted for today.  

Yesterday Dr. Henry officially declared that our province is in the second wave.  The chart makes it quite clear that numbers are growing and we need to address those growing numbers.

I know all y'all are tired.  I know you're bored.  I know you are disappointed that things have been cancelled - things that you were looking forward to.  Jobs are being lost and uncertainty is high.

Add to that the fact that there are elections happening and some politicians seem bent on sowing discord, not bringing people together to work out how best to survive this pandemic - not just economically but physically.

BC was hit hard right at the beginning when the virus got into long term care homes, plus a very large convention happened before people know what was happening.  

Dr. Henry swung into action and started advising people to stay at home.  Since there was not a lot of protective equipment, we were warned to leave masks and such for health care workers, and to stay home, maintain distance and wash our hands.

Now that protective equipment is more readily available, the advice includes wearing a mask.

Wearing a mask provides a barrier to transmission.  Herd immunity is being touted as the fastest way to protect people but unfortunately the rate of transmission is high and vulnerable people will suffer and many may die.

So experts are saying that politicians recommending that we all just get sick and get it over and done with are being reckless with people's lives.  Because this virus is NOT 'just the flu'.  We don't know the full extent of the damage it causes in many people - the so-called 'long haulers'.  The ones with never ending fatigue and organ damage.

Some countries did actual lock downs, not the voluntary 'stay at home' recommendations we have had here.  Some work places were shut down, but we were not confined only to our homes.  We are simply being asked to wear a mask when we go out.  

The number of people who cannot wear a mask is tiny.  For the rest of us?  It's the very least we can do.  The sooner we stop the spread of this virus, the sooner we can go back to our classes, workshops, guild events, weddings, graduations, etc.

Stay at home if you can.  Wear a mask if you need to go out.  Maintain physical distance.  Keep any groups small, preferably within your 'bubble', preferably in a well ventilated space.

Stay safe.  Stay well.  Stay Covid aware.

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