
Monday, October 19, 2020

Silver Linings


view from my back window this morning

It started precipitating yesterday around 3 pm - right when my weather app said it would - and turned into wet snow that came down pretty much all night.  I woke up to this sight this morning.

It's a bit early for winter to set in, in any serious way, but it's not unheard of to have snow in October.  Whether it stays or not, time will tell.

Both vehicles have their winter boots on (snow tires), Doug dug the shovels out of the shed the other day.  And while I don't feel 'ready' (I never do) for winter, it might just have arrived.  Time to dig my winter boots out and put away my summer shoes.

While I'm not particularly happy about an early winter, especially after our very damp and dreary summer (which didn't feel much like summer), I can't help but appreciate the beauty of the fresh snow draped over every surface.

Yesterday someone posted a bit of poetry which essentially said that no matter how dark it is, look for the joy.  The worse things get in the world, the more important it is to find some spark of beauty, some tiny flame of joy.  Some hope that we can get through this (whatever 'this' is in the moment).  Because nothing is forever.  Things will change.  The bad stuff will eventually end.  As will the 'good'.

And that's the thing.  We might not control the big things in our lives, but we can work on the little things.  Appreciating fresh fallen snow - safely from inside the house, if nothing else.

I can go to the loom and, if not joy, have satisfaction in doing something that makes something to counter the things that seem broken.

If I only focus on the broken, on the things I cannot change, I rob myself of being a creative person.  I drain myself of hope.  I go to the loom, not just to weave a towel, but to send positive, creative energy out into the world.

The good thing about the internet is that I can see interesting things, beautiful things, and I can amplify those.  I can share things of interest.  Focus on the creative work on others.  Share the mic for people who are doing good work.  Making good trouble.  Trying to bend society towards justice for all.

So while I had a wee twinge when I saw the 'early' snow this morning, I also saw beauty.  The reality of winter and isolation wasn't welcome.  On the other hand, I'm isolating due to Covid-19.  So I might as well focus on the beauty.  Appreciate the wonder of nature.  What a wonderful world we live in.

I also acknowledge that I am living a pretty safe, pretty privileged life right now.  I share what I can, when I can, with people I can.  I choose to build a bigger table.  And if I can't manage that, I can at least set another place and we can metaphorically squeeze together a little closer.

Stay safe.  Stay well.  Stay Covid-aware.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for all your beautiful, encouraging posts. Your snowfall is lovely.
