
Thursday, November 26, 2020

Marching Onwards


Progress seems so slow at times.  But yesterday I began weaving with the dark green/blue weft and am quite pleased with the results.

Value is more important than hue, and this warp is showing how much light values tend to dominate what we see - the pale rose stands out proudly from the dark blues.

The majority of the cloth is, in fact, medium to dark blues, but that rose just pops right out!

I am well over the half way mark on this warp with just four more towels worth of warp left.  I'm not entirely sure I have four more towels worth of weft (in the green/blue) but the whole point right now is to use up my stash.  Exactly what I use is less important than just getting it used up!

I'm hoping to get this warp off the loom tomorrow, but I have errands to run this afternoon so may not get two towels woven today.  The morning is already slipping through my fingers and by the time I get home I may not have the energy to weave much.  But it will come off on Saturday.

The next warp is pretty (to my eye).  the same dark blue as what is in this warp, but instead of the paler slightly lavendar blue and rose, the stripe will be shades of emerald and turquoise.  The weft will be the dark blue.  And that warp should use up much of the rest of those colours.

Little by little.  One by one.  Labour intensive activities take time, and that's just a fact.

Stay safe.  Stay well.  Keep weaving.  Or whatever makes your little heart go pitty-pat!

1 comment:

  1. “Value is more important than hue” is my new go-to phrase - useful in many contexts!
