
Wednesday, November 25, 2020



The sun will come up tomorrow...

Tomorrow is another day...

Hope springs eternal...

We surround ourselves with platitudes to keep our spirits up.  To keep hope alive.  To keep doing what we need to do.

This morning the sun came up a little later, a little further to the south.  It pried a hole in the clouds (not really, I'm waxing eloquently here) and created a haze of golden glow on the sky.

This morning I talked with the nurse practitioner at the cancer clinic.  We talked about the roller coaster ride of living in De Nile for 5 and a half months, then two weeks of anxiety because - in the absence of obvious symptoms - I never really know how the cancer is simmering.   Will it be this time that I am told it's back?  Will I get the newest, latest drug?  How will my body react to it?  Chemo wasn't great but I managed to slowly claw my way back to some kind of normality afterwards.  The 2nd drug?  Well, I'm that much older now and I'm no where near where I would like to be in terms of energy.

But I'm still in remission, so there's that.  I am one of the few who has actually achieved remission on this drug.  (Special snowflake status confirmed.) 

It's been nearly two years since I stopped taking the drug and still no real sign that the cancer is doing anything but just burbling along, still there, still living with it, but not doing much other than just lurking.

So I'm cut loose for another six months.  I'm going to stick my head back in the sand, try to ignore it, work at doing what I want to do, as much as I can given the level of 'tired' I deal with on a daily basis.

The good news in all this is that in the time since I started the Ibrutinib, not one but two more drugs have come down the pipeline.  The first one is similar to the Ibrutinib, with similar adverse effects.  The newest one has a different set of adverse effects.  So when I need treatment again, she will hop over the similar one and try the newest one.

On the other hand, if my remission sticks for another year or so, there might be another newer drug to try.

So for today?  I will get to the loom and weave two more towels.  Yesterday I finished off as much of the purple as I could which means that today I will start working on that greened/blue.  There should be enough warp for six towels, and pretty close to enough weft yarn for six towels.  If the weft runs out?  I might declare this warp done, rather than scrap up some other colour for one towel.

Time will tell.

The sun will come up tomorrow...and I will continue to do what I can, when I can, for as long as I can...

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear that the remission holds! And that new drugs are coming along the pipeline. That is always encouraging. Tomorrow we celebrate Thanksgiving here, and I will give thanks for you! Juli
