
Friday, January 8, 2021

Changing Ones Mind


I really liked how the bright red on red turned out but ran out after four towels.  Then I had someone contact me about some fabric for napkins/mats.  But I didn't have any of the mountie red left.  Plus tea towel quality might not be the 'best' for those functions.

But I wasn't really liking the darker reds.  At all.  The orange was turning the dark burgundy into a brownish shade that really didn't appeal to me.

Late last night I spotted a cone of mountie red in 2/8 out of the corner of my eye and ignoring it, went to bed.

This morning I remembered the cone and the request for napkin/mat fabrics and ping!  I think there might be just enough for some yardage that the interested person could use.  There is maybe four yards of weaveable warp left, so today I'm going to abandon the burgundy and wind off the 2/8 cotton, adjust my liftplan and start weaving yardage.  I'm going to offer the person the yardage to cut to length for her purposes, with the warning that I have no idea how many yards I will actually be able to weave.  

Even if she doesn't take it, I will be much happier with the bright red.  And if I can use up that cone of red?  Still valid stash reduction.

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