
Saturday, January 9, 2021

Timing is Everything


I had hoped to have this series wrapped up before Christmas but then - more realistically - mid-January.

Well, here we are Jan. 9 and I am on the last couple of yards.  I will finish weaving today, reserving the last bit of the warp for a Zoom demo I will do tomorrow.  And with it's head!  Er, um, well, you know what I mean.

I feel, in some ways, that I have slain the dragon of 2/16 cotton.  I think I estimated that at one point I had over 100 pounds of 2/16 cotton when I began (which was *already* downsized from what it had been two years ago) and now?  Maybe 20 full spools.  If that.  Dribs and Drabs.

Fine yarns go a very long way and I have always loved the quality of cloth to be had from them.  I very quickly went from big fat wool to 2/8 cotton.  It's really hard to make thin cloth from fat yarn.  Just sayin'.

But what that means, on a personal level, is that this retired production weaver has collected a very large amount of fine yarns.  Some of them very fine.  Probably too fine for me to use, so the plan is to ply them into something that I can work with.  Given age and cataracts that I'm told won't be dealt with for a couple of years.  

"Hello, my name is Laura and I have SABLE".  Stash Acquired Beyond Life Expectancy...

Oh yes, that's me alright!

However, with the end in sight, literally, I spent some time thinking about what comes next.  I wandered through my studio looking at All The Shelves and thinking about what can be made from the yarn on them.  Dreaming fibre dreams.

As for this warp?  In the end I didn't use the yarn I had considered as it was sun damaged and the next alternate was 5/2 perle cotton which would have been too thick.  Instead I went with another bright red, this time (regenerated) bamboo (rayon).

I find this quality of bamboo to be quite absorbent, but as with most rayons, does not release the absorbed water very quickly.  So it's not something I tend to use for tea towels.  However, the colour spoke to me and if they get turned into tea towels, I'm sure someone somewhere will enjoy using them.

Anyway, I'm late getting started after not being able to get to sleep last night (this morning?)  Time to get moving and work at finishing up this warp.

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