
Friday, August 20, 2021

Moving Forward


So, yesterday I signed and returned the contract for the Next Big Project.  All while casting a wary eye at the provincial case numbers of covid, which continue to rise in an alarming way.

The first week of October is far enough away that 'we' can still turn this around.  So I continue working on what needs to be done.

My responsibilities were laid out in the contract in fine detail, which is great.  I have a plan.  A blueprint.  A map to follow.  I would have done much of what was set out anyway, but they are a team, and they all need to know what I'm going to do so that they can do their jobs, too.  So instead of carrying my plan mostly in my head, I will need to set everything down on paper.

I'm nearly done the weaving I needed to do and once I take the final warp off the loom (Saturday now, because yesterday I spent a fair chunk of time checking over a four page contract and emailing with a couple of questions)

Once I'm done the weaving part, I will lay everything that I want to include in the presentation out - as in physically lay everything out, on the floor, so I can see it all.  The Big Picture.  Once I have the Big Picture, I can start to group the content into segments.  Once I have the segments, I need to start estimating the time required and also?  The staging.  What equipment will I need for each segment.  What other visuals - signage, labelling, additional visual aids.

And this is just for the one day taping.  

When I'm done with that, I will begin on the 2nd topic.  No actual weaving required for that one (beyond what I've already done) but lots of lists for equipment needs, visual aids etc.  Plus timing.

It's a good thing I have done time studies all of my career because I am going to have to work out how long it would take me to do something, then add in the time to explain what I'm doing, time for the on camera student to practice the process and more time to add additional pertinent camera angles.

And so on.

And this, folks, is why I could not see myself teaching on line when there was only me.  I have confidence in this team - I've seen some of the things they have produced so far and I'm happy with their production values.  After skimming the contract, I'm also happy with the level of detail they are working with.

But there is also a corner of my brain that knows that we are still in the midst of a pandemic, with a growing fourth wave, wondering if this will all come to naught.

In the meantime, our hotel room is booked and we will be talking to someone about taking care of the house while we are away, planning on how to load the van up with all of the Stuff I plan on bringing with me.

My innate pragmatism won't let me forget that I need to have a Plan B (C, D, etc.)  But my optimism will keep me on track.  Especially now that I have a firm deadline by which to be ready to roll.  The adrenaline can come any time now, please - I can use it to get me through the coming weeks.

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