
Saturday, August 21, 2021

Winding Up


This weekend I have back to back Zoom meetings on colour for the study groups.  This is #7 in the topics planned.  So, over the halfway point.

As the months have rolled on, fewer people are attending in person, but catching the presentations that are recorded and posted (unlisted) to You Tube.  This has worked fairly well, I think.  

Power Point has come a long way since I first began using it, oh, 10 years ago?  They now offer various theme packages and I've been finding it helpful to use these recommended graphics to help make my presentations (hopefully!) more visually interesting than slide after white slide with words on.

Since people are so used to having more sophisticated presentations, it has become more of a challenge to upgrade my own approach, especially to a topic that generally needs some kind of dynamic visual aides.

Since I'm pretty 'old school' in terms of teaching relying on demonstrations, the Power Point slide shows are not 'great' but lend themselves to the topics that I have chosen to present this way.  Because go with your strengths, right?

I am also aware that 2 hour presentations are taxing, in no small part because I'm tossing a LOT of information 'out there'.  But Zoom doesn't really lend itself to doing multiple smaller parts so the hope is that people can go back to the recordings and review as often as they need to in order to absorb it all.

Across the spectrum of how to learn, it is becoming obvious that it is going to be a while before we get back to the 'way things were' - if we ever do.  Certainly I am not anxious to do dark o'clock flights anymore.  But I still want to teach.  I just have to figure out what, and how.

In the meantime, other instructors are far ahead of me in getting on line classes set up.   There are benefits to on line as well as deficits.  Hopefully once all is said and done it will balance and everyone can find a way forward.

In the meantime, I have two hour zooms today and tomorrow, and a practice zoom on Monday for a guild presentation next month.


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