
Saturday, January 1, 2022

Here We Go Again


Looking through Facebook 'memories' I see a lot of weaving happened over the years.  Yes, even on holidays.  Because when your work is something you love to do, you do it every day you can.

Yesterday I continued with the tea towel warp and cleaned off a bunch more tubes.  Most of the first colour were pretty empty, likely less than a filled bobbin.  It felt good to clear off some space on the shelf and toss the empty tubes into my little recycle container.  They will likely go into the bigger paper recycling bin for our household recycling but sometimes teachers will ask if I have any they can use for art supplies so I tend to keep them separate until the bin needs emptying.

It is also becoming apparent that this first warp is not going to use up as much of the yarn as I'd hoped.  Because while I have little left to make a warp, there are miles and miles of this yarn left for weft.  So I'm beginning with the colours that have the least left so I can clear those tubes away.  And besides, I can weave directly from the tube, so no need to wind bobbins.  Win-win!

Last night I dug out one of my resource books with lots of patterns.  I've found a few I think I can tweak to my purpose.  And I'm becoming less concerned about the high contrast of the warp/weft.  Such a high contrast will tend to highlight every little inconsistency, but at this point I'm not too worried about 'perfection'.  A functional tea towel will do.

But I may change from twill blocks to a fancy twill, which will make slight imperfections in beat less obvious.  Still pondering.

The weather here isn't very pleasant.  It stopped snowing but the wind continues to gust and blow snow sideways.  So glad I have nowhere to go, nowhere to be, other than at home, soon at the loom.

I have been gradually reading Victoria Finlay's book Fabric and will do a proper review when I get a bit further into it.  But so far?  I am really quite enjoying it.

1 comment:

  1. My exciting New Year's Eve was spent taking apart my 4 shaft 40" Gilmore and giving her a spa treatment with Howards. Yup. Couldn't think of a better way to end/start the year than showing my baby some love.
