
Sunday, January 2, 2022



Some of the tubes of 2/16 cotton yarn that I sorted the other day.

Normally I store the tubes of cotton standing up on their end, but these are small enough that they don't want to stand, so they lay flat.  As such, they tend to take up space and roll around.

There are also several shades of beige which can be very difficult to tell apart, so I carefully looked at them in natural light so separate them into their own piles.

Now this is not all of my 2/16 cotton yarn.  The less empty tubes that can stand are still on the shelves.  They are going to take longer to empty and I wanted some 'instant' gratification so decided to begin with the nearly empty ones and clear them off the shelves.

The dark emerald tubes might not get used on this warp.  It's a twill block design and I'm thinking the high contrast of this and other darker value colours will not look as nice as I would wish.  So I've been looking at fancy twill threadings.  The contrast will still be high, but will be more forgiving in terms of slight imperfections in beat.

And I am reminded all over again at how much play time one gets from finer yarns.  I've used up just two of the colours and already woven a quarter of the first warp.  

Still lots more to go!  Who knows, I might even have to buy more white to finish this off.  

The other goal for today is to take photos of current stock and post the first photo to my ko-fi store.  I'd like to find new homes for some of the tea towels already made, plus mail seems to be moving here again now the xmas rush is over (and our highways open to commercial vehicles).

I don't make resolutions.  I form intentions.  Resolutions have always seemed so either/or to me.  You resolve to do X and if you don't do that, you might as well give up.  Forming an intention is more flexible.  I didn't manage X today, but I will take another stab at getting to it tomorrow.

So - I intend to keep working away at reducing my stash.  It's been a long haul, but I'm finally beginning to see some progress as shelves thin out of yarn.  More room for the dust buffalo to roam, but I'll worry about corraling those another day.

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