
Thursday, October 12, 2023



Soon enough it will look like this.

We are milking every drop of enjoyment out of the far too mild October days, which the weather app says will be changing very soon.  Some folk at higher elevation had frost overnight.

After what seems like weeks of waiting, for one thing or another, suddenly things are beginning to happen.

This morning the HVAC company phoned to let us know we are scheduled for our new furnace/heat pump install on Nov. 1 and 2.  The same weekend as the big craft fair.

For the past few years Doug has been delivering my stuff to the venue, then working a shift at the door.  He won't be able to this year.

In addition to getting my inventory ready for the craft fair, we are now faced with the Big Clean Up.  You know, the one we've been pretty much ignoring because we didn't know when the install would happen?  Yeah.  That one.

So now we juggle both the craft fair prep and the snowglobing of my studio, once again.  Sigh.

This week I printed out labels and affixed them to the hang tags.  Today I was going to concentrate on weaving, but I think I need to get the inventory that will go to the craft fair ready so that those boxes can be moved to the guild room.  So that they don't get buried in the re-arranging of my clean storage.

Doug also has other 'winter' preparations to do, so suddenly our 'retirement' life has gotten very busy.  Again.  If we were smart we would have been working on all of this for the past two weeks, knowing it was coming, but it seemed like every day there was something screaming for our attention.  And now, here we are, scrambling.  Again.

Maybe one day we'll learn. 


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