
Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Step Lightly


a few days ago it looked like this

Today is beautiful - sunny, warm.  Too warm, truth be told.  But we had some rain last week, and we are finally seeing a drop in wildfires - from a high of over 400 to 317 when I checked the BC Wildfire site this morning.

We have had several days of no smoke pollution, and that feels like progress.

With such a warm October - we haven't even had first frost yet, which usually comes mid-August - it all feels a bit...surreal.

It feels like summer *ought* to have felt, but didn't.  We may have to completely re-order our seasons as climate change brings about huge changes to our 'normal'.  I've lived long enough to remember the 'before times'.  Children now will have no knowledge of what 'normal' used to be, how can they?  They can only 'know' from their own experience, and we are changing our climate so drastically that we may never get back to what it was.

With this year being an el nino year, winter could be especially challenging.  It used to be that once the snow came and settled, we knew what to expect.  Now every day is a toss up - could be cold, could be warm, instead of compact snow or even clear roads, there is slush and ice.  

I feel a bit guilty enjoying the day that it is today - sunny and warm.  OTOH, we had such a crappy summer there was little to enjoy, so I suppose I will accept this small gift from the weather gods.

We've just come back from getting our flu shots.  We could have waited two weeks and got both covid and flu, but I decided I didn't want the double whammy, just in case one (or both) of the shots decided to be challenging.  The government rolled out the flu shot earlier than usual, which is great.  Normally it's November before they are available up here.  OTOH, we got the trivalent shot, which is recommended for anyone over 65.  

We weren't the only people in the store wearing masks, but there were very few other than us.  Not even the pharmacist giving the shot was wearing one.  In a small office.  Zero ventilation/filtration that I could see, administering shots to multiple people over the day.  Sigh.  However, the place isn't far from where we live and they generally do a good job of booking so we didn't have to linger.  

We are still waiting to hear when the new furnace/heat pump will be arriving.  I need to get the storage room cleared out so that the crew can get in to install it.  I'm hoping to feel better enough that I can start doing that over this week and next.  The problem is, where to put the stuff currently living on the floor?  There will be goat trails in the studio.  Again.   

But the new warp is weaving up quite nicely and I have the next warp planned.  Unless I change it between now and when it goes into the loom.  The heap of mercerized cotton is slowly melting away.  It feels like progress, as slow as it is happening.  Progress is progress, even when it is slow.

Lunch is late today.  Time to eat, then go press the hemmed towels.  Then start sorting the towels that need care tags.  Because the big craft fair is happening in about three weeks and I need to have inventory ready for that.  Because this year has been hard on the budget, and things just seem to keep breaking or needing to be fixed.  

Maybe things will look more do-able after lunch?  Onwards...

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