
Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Little by Little


Got started weaving this warp yesterday.  I'm pretty pleased with it, although I'm still uncertain which side will be the 'right' side.  

As a design, it could have used a bit more tweaking, but otoh, it's ok.  The two circles are slightly different not identical, and I decided that I was ok with that.  On the next draft I played around with circles until I got them the same, although it meant a little fudging elsewhere in the design.  However, it was acceptable - to me.

The good news is that I'm very nearly 'done' weaving the mercerized cotton.  This warp plus the next might be 'enough'.  There will still be some merc. cotton left, but I still have all my bobbin lace stuff and 2/20 merc cotton works well for bobbin lace.  My eyes can't handle the really fine threads anymore, so the thicker cotton will be a good re-introduction if I decide to pull my lace pillow out again.  

There will be some of the dark blues left for warp, so after that I will likely do 32 epi, and then start using up some of the 2/16 unmercerized yarns that I have left.  Once I was 'done' I kept finding more tucked away in corners.  Recently I 'found' more linen.  Another corner find.

At some point I'll need to deal with the fine rayon yarns I have, and those will likely get made into scarves.  However, right now I have plenty of scarves made, so partly I'm waiting to see how many scarves sell over the coming sales events.  It's all well and good making stuff - it needs to get sold, too!

The not-so-great news is that I probably overdid it yesterday, even though I *thought* I was being 'careful' and wound up with pain levels that interfered with sleep.  Again.  This morning is better, and I have chiro this afternoon so I'll weave just one session this morning, then work on tagging some of my inventory, getting it ready for Studio Fair, coming up soon.  Last night I printed out labels and will stick them to my hang tags this afternoon, then start sorting out the towels that need to be tagged/priced.  And maybe start boxing them up.

Because we also need to clean up some of the clutter in the basement as we should be getting a new furnace/heat pump by the end of the month - all being well with delivery of the equipment.  Be nice if they didn't have to trip over piles of rubble to do their job.  

I have made a few inroads on some of my clutter, but it's overwhelming and since I haven't been feeling great it's taking a lot longer than I'd hoped to finally clear some of it out of my studio and life.  I'm hoping once I get onto the higher dose of painkiller I'll have more energy to go with the desire to have a tidier house.  One of the benefits of the new drug is that it doesn't come with brain fog.  

Time will tell if it works or if I need to go back onto the opioids.  Something I'm working hard to not have to do.

Life is all about balancing.  Some days it is easier than others.  

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