
Saturday, August 14, 2021

Interesting Times


The photo doesn't show the full picture.  The sun was actually a luminescent red (think traffic light red) but the camera couldn't seem to pick that up.  But the sky was pretty much that yellow/brown colour indicative of smoke.

We also had a couple of days of +30C temperatures and I was happy to mostly stay home and continue picking away at the samples for the Next Big Project.

To that end, I feel I have made good progress.  The really time consuming part - the weaving of the samples - is nearly done.  I have several more yarns to play with, plus I am going to use up some of my hand dyed silk and make a warp long enough for two scarves (I hope).

In the meantime, covid numbers continue to rise in western Canada and I'm preparing to have to postpone the Next Big Project.  We could still knock those numbers down, but I'm watching the numbers climb and preparing for the disappointment of postponing.

Postponing is not the end of the world, however, but a prudent decision that MAY have to be made.  We could turn the corner on this yet.  We will see.

BC is getting slammed by the four horsemen.  Well, three of them - extreme heat, fire and plague.

I could use a little boring.  I never appreciated how lovely a little 'boring' could be.

Currently reading Not My Father's Son by Alan Cumming

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