Yesterday I got the silk warp into the loom. I had enough of this colour to wind a warp long enough for two scarves and found a weft colour that should look ok on it. If not, I'll have to go digging in my stash, currently mostly behind a pile of rubble.
I'm trying to plan out a schedule but I keep adding more samples so I have had to make some decisions. I have three more yarns I'm going to sample and then decide if they get included. Or not. Yesterday Doug got the skeins wound onto cones which will make dealing with them easy.
Once I have all of my samples prepared, I will begin to structure the presentation. Since I'm working with a team, I have to let them know what I intend to do and how long it will take to do it. I can't just stand up and wing it, which is my usual approach.
This morning is the next Sunday Seminar and I don't know how much I will feel I can do afterwards, but at least I'm only hosting, not presenting. So I would like to at least begin weaving and see if the weft yarn is going to work. Or not. If not, then I will have to move some of the piles of rubble to get at my silk yarn stash. So most of the afternoon might get used up in looking for the 'right' yarn to use.
Or maybe I'll get started on the actual weaving.
I won't hem stitch the scarves but fringe twist, so if the weft colour works, I should be able to just jump on it and start weaving.
With a variegated warp, I've chosen a very simple weave structure - herringbone - and the treadling will be a straight progression. Very simple. Very easy.
We had rain overnight in enough quantity that the smoke has been washed out of the air. The wind also shifted and we are no longer under a smoke pall.
And progress is still progress, even if it doesn't feel like I accomplished very much yesterday. Getting the warp wound and to the point of being ready to weave is still progress.
how I wish we had gotten some of your rain! It has been very hot and smoky for five days now, and as my studio gets too warm, I have retreated to the basement with my books and spinning wheel. Cooler clearer weather coming soon!